Monday, 30 June 2014

A visit, just for hours.

06-30-2014 01:57 AM
Sisi's visit came a sudden and embarrassing for the rule of Sudan's Bashir .. where he was met by a run-down cabin with his rule,

Mahjoub Hussein
have already pointed out in an article on this page under the title «task Marshal Sisi nationalism in Khartoum», to be threatened with Foreign facing the stability of a team rule Asion new more important and the pressure of the current leadership of the internal challenges, because it is associated system governance as a whole, as well as that these risks visible and invisible ones do not have a fixed roof at least with the other, existing or supervisor or default likely ousted in a counter-revolution to manage the nature of such a conflict.
It is known also in this direction that the chaos that hyped under the term «Arab Spring» modernist renaissance Democrat, swept many countries within the scheme may not without the awareness of the plot, has nothing to do with those values
​​modernist to correct the path of reality, but it proved to make sure operationally that project to achieve the interests of authoritarian to enable the land through the mechanism of a terrorist, totalitarian aims primarily to eliminate the state institutions and their survival in the organic link with external forces and regional, as long accused by the forces opposed to her constantly in the confiscation of the right purity and purity and national political Kshan seizing the right relationship with God, this chaos that has its defeat in depth across the Egyptian bloc Egyptian historical enlightenment will continue to pose imminent danger of falling to Sisien Egyptians, unless action is taken and preventive measures and rapid and effective strategy in the west and south.

In this context came the highest priority and degree of red in the package the state of emergency strategic governance team, the new Egyptian toward the threats mentioned above without controversy, and this can be explained by a visit Marshal Sisi to Algeria in a plan first across a wider circle to round stream anarchists new Swear Arabic-based, led by Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Algeria, with the forces of many Arab, was shared by international powers have ties to and interests, and secondly in the circle smaller and is more accurate and content and the importance of privacy and concerned where Tripoli, which fell prey to the repercussions of the Arab Spring, which played a big role in the creation of a vacuum in Libya, and the absence of institutions authority of the state, something that has given way to the formation of the so-called «safe haven» to the forces of anarchists in Libya, which constitute a danger apparent to the Egyptian regime, as one of the safe havens for the forces of the current chaotic belt Egyptian, so this visit was a working visit security strategy necessarily be looking and take in the details of the details and mechanisms to the siege of the source of danger to the west in the region, and then drain its resources for the benefit of building the balance of internal political in Libya and the balance of new powers can stop tampering with the state, which turned into a place of a settling of accounts between the forces of several regional, and then work on the formation of real authority believes interests strategic and nationalism, both associated with securing the new ruling in Egypt, and reinforces this attitude leaks that campaign some news clippings about the call, Libyan opposition Haftar to visit Algeria, and calls for the last of the Egyptian president to participate in the fight against terrorism and its sources, as the title of a joint political stage between the countries in the region, apart from Sudanese regime involved and supportive of some factions of Libya and Egypt and Saudi Arabia, both Balaioae or providing weapons or other facilities, such as the receipt of weapons deals funded regionally in favor of one faction or groups, as happened in the receipt of the arms deal funded by the State of Serbia and turn it into one of the groups Libyan fighter, and as a reaction from one of the factions of anti-faction aforementioned, was bombed Sudanese embassy in Tripoli mortar recently, that occur without loss of life.

And Moish with it and within the insurance plan strategy for the regime of Egyptian south, landed the Egyptian president last Friday within the line of his return from the African Union summit held in Equatorial Guinea, in Khartoum for two or three hours any transit - was received by the Sudanese President, tired, with cabins reign, and away from the statement Foreign traditional «discussed bilateral relations between the two parties and to check on the health of President», visit came a sudden and embarrassing for the rule of Sudan, for reasons unknown, however, it seems that Khartoum is still in the Hall of shock and surprise, prompted by a lack of methodology for managing relations with Cairo «new», plus files Sudanese cities occupied, which is said to be - sold imminent liberalization was released and signed since the era of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, in exchange for Scott's recent assassination - the most important visit in the «Insurance» Egyptian, that there is a specific liabilities beyond Khartoum.

First, the delivery of all elements of Egyptian Islamist leadership that went to Khartoum after the fall of the Muslim Brotherhood, and was told that there was a list made
​​of seventeen individuals.
Second: Khartoum's commitment to non-cooperation with the members of the group do not Balaioae or reception, but prompt delivery.
Third, control the movement of arms Activity flights to Sinai through Sudan.
Fourth, raise their cooperation with Aslamoi Libya, and notes that all liabilities urgent and necessary to Cairo, but is »Help» military Given the seriousness of the file.
And not even located the Sudanese regime in the circle of anger on them Egyptians, and also used the system Sudanese do not reign him with one, you will hear «fully O Afendim HE Marshal Egyptian», and pain at least Marshal Alsodadenei of Mushir al-Masri «We have advised the group

Sunday, 29 June 2014

Sudan is going to a very bad way..... strada pericolosa.

Rapporto mette in luce ancora una volta il ruolo svolto dagli esperti delle Nazioni Unite in Sudan ..: corridoio Sudan per le armi iraniane

Rapporto mette in luce ancora una volta il ruolo svolto dagli esperti delle Nazioni Unite in Sudan ..: corridoio Sudan per le armi iraniane
«'Radicata fonte iraniana' contenitori Arms»

2014/06/29 07:51

Rapporto delle Nazioni Unite evidenzia ancora una volta il ruolo di Khartoum a sostegno delle organizzazioni estremiste nella regione, in cooperazione con Teheran, e l'Iran continua a violare embargo internazionale di armi.

New York - La Commissione di esperti delle Nazioni Unite che un carico di missili e di armi sequestrate da Israele nel marzo scorso è venuto dall'Iran, e rappresenta una violazione dell'embargo sulle armi imposto dalle Nazioni Unite su Teheran.

Nonostante l'annuncio da parte di Israele che le armi erano destinate a Gaza, hanno detto gli esperti le armi sono state inviate al Sudan.

E consegnato questa relazione mette in evidenza ancora una volta il ruolo svolto dal Sudan, soprattutto dopo quel bacio si trasformò in armi di Iran e Turchia, e una fonte di armi per le organizzazioni come Hamas, Jihad islamica e Hezbollah in Libano.

Gli esperti non hanno speculano circa il motivo per l'invio di queste armi al Sudan, un paese, fonti diplomatiche hanno detto di intelligence occidentali e che ha lavorato come un condotto per le spedizioni di armi iraniane ad altre regioni in Africa, in aggiunta alla Striscia di Gaza.

Gli esperti hanno detto che la missione di Israele presso le Nazioni Unite ha inviato una lettera al Comitato delle sanzioni delle Nazioni Unite contro l'Iran il 13 marzo sul "trasferimento di missili, mortai e relativi materiali dall'Iran al Sudan."

Gli esperti delle Nazioni Unite hanno raggiunto questa conclusione dopo aver esaminato il caso ed esaminare la spedizione sequestrato ei documenti relativi alla spedizione, che ha viaggiato dal porto iraniano di Bandar Abbas al porto iracheno di Umm Qasr e da lì in direzione di Port Sudan.

La marina israeliana intercettato una nave nel Mar Rosso prima che raggiunga il Sudan.

Nonostante le smentite esperti iraniani hanno detto i sigilli ufficiali delle autorità doganali sui container iraniani che contiene alcune delle armi sequestrate "radicare fonte iraniana di questi contenitori."

Tra gli altri elementi di prova che l'esistenza di un disegno di legge spedizione iraniana di carico e la dichiarazione iraniana e il sistema di storage contenitore di carico in Iran.

Il rapporto include i dettagli delle armi che erano nascoste tra un carico di calcestruzzo 40 missili o 302 valvole e quattro diversi tipi di munizioni: 181 bombe da mortaio calibro 120 mm e circa 400 mila pezzi di munizioni.

Gli esperti non hanno potuto confermare l'affermazione che alcune armi israeliane fatta Siria, ha detto che il rapporto "indica che l'esperto di origine siriana dei missili non può essere confermata in modo indipendente, così come il trasferimento di missili dalla Siria all'Iran."

Ma il rapporto non ha detto se l'Iraq avesse alcun ruolo nel contrabbando di armi. Venti contenitori di armi che facevano parte nascosta della spedizione di una nave vicino centinaio di container alla CNN citato nel porto iraniano di Bandar Abbas.

Il rapporto ha detto, citando informazioni ricevute dagli esperti delle autorità israeliane che i 50 contenitori di calcestruzzo trasferiti alla nave nel porto di Umm Qasr, l'Iraq non includono armi.

Gli esperti hanno detto che i metodi di occultamento simili ad altri casi di violazione delle sanzioni da parte dell'Iran e di indagine da parte della Commissione. In Nigeria sviluppato armi in mezzo marmo. Le armi negli altri casi segnalati da Israele nascosti in contenitori riempiti con granuli di lenticchie e cotone.

Israele disse al controllo degli armamenti Esso rivela che l'Iran non negoziare in buona fede con le sei potenze mondiali.

Ha detto il primo ministro israeliano Benjamin Netanyahu "Mentre parlavo con le potenze mondiali, allo stesso tempo che un sorriso e pronunciare il discorso felice, Iran invia armi letali a organizzazioni terroristiche e di farlo attraverso una complessa rete di operazioni segrete."

Relazioni precedenti avevano riferito che l'Iran sta lavorando per costruire un nuovo porto sulle rive del Mar Rosso, per contrabbandare armi a Hezbollah in territorio sudanese, approfittando degli aiuti previsti dal tubo.

Questi includono armi, carri armati e sistemi missilistici e sistemi di autodifesa e altre armi pesanti, e l'impianto iraniano occupa gran parte del porto di Port Sudan.

I rapporti hanno detto che l'Iran ha assunto la stessa posizione della proprietà per un lungo periodo, e che gli ingegneri delle Guardie Rivoluzionarie iraniane in borghese che sorvegliano gli operai sudanesi che lavorano nella costruzione della struttura e la seconda più grande base militare nel porto sul Mar Rosso di Assab dopo la base militare in Eritrea.

Anche se il Sudan non è collegato direttamente con Israele, gli aerei da guerra israeliani hanno colpito Bgartin almeno tre anni, dove l'aviazione israeliana ha bombardato un convoglio di auto sul confine tra Egitto e Sudan nel 2009, Israele ha detto che stava trasportando armi nella Striscia di Gaza.

Nel maggio 2011, Israele ha lanciato un attacco missilistico su una macchina a Port Sudan, uccidendo due persone, seguiti da un altro attacco di razzi sul armi Yarmouk centro di fabbrica della capitale Khartoum, e Israele ha detto al momento che l'interfaccia fabbrica per l'Iran per contrabbandare armi a Gaza.

online Arab

Saturday, 28 June 2014

Criminal and Janjaweed of Bashir!!

Sudan army to unleash war criminal

System gives the Janjaweed of genocide and weapons of a new name, and a green light to commit murder

Today released the draft report of the adequacy of the organization, and satellite Centennial, which monitors and campaigns forces support the rapid targeting of civilians in various areas of Sudan. The report provides evidence integrated responsibility of senior regime leaders for war crimes, and criminal involvement in crimes against humanity, committed by the forces of rapid support. The report pointed out that Sudan is witnessing a wave of terrible crimes after he disbanded the troops replaced the Janjaweed groups that were active in the past.

The new report, which is titled "Janjaweed come back to the surface again: a new army of war criminals in Sudan" is the result of nine months of research to its authors Akshaya Kumar, and Omar Ismail, as monitoring the movement of forces, rapid support, and connectivity, analytical, public statements own system on regulation with the new evidence that has been the availability of the affected communities in conflict areas. The report identifies a range of crimes forces support the rapid, which include serious violations of human rights and mass atrocities, as well as hunting elephants illegal cross-border.

Says co-author of the report Akshaya Kumar, also a political analyst for Sudan and South Sudan The approach has won the genocide in Sudan bet. Akshaya adds that a decade ago and the Janjaweed fighters faced international condemnation because of the brutality of their crimes in Darfur. It says that "while shrinking the world's attention to the Darfur crisis, the Janjaweed are still doing violations against human rights, they represent today the elements of support troops rapidly in Sudan, heavily armed, and the apostates to the uniform, as well as the employment of the national flag in their campaigns with access to official license to commit an act murder.

He says co-author Omar Ismail, senior adviser to Enough Project, said that Darfur is not the only victim now, and added that the search, which was adopted by the report indicates that the troops support the rapid start its work under the command and control of the government, and therefore inflicted brutal acts of violence against civilians in South and North Kordofan , as well as in Khartoum. "

Ismail added that while fighters boast forces support the rapid Ptoverhm full immunity, they represent an arm of the arms of government, and guessed that senior government officials, including President Bashir, bear responsibility for the actions of these new fighters for the system.

Said John Prendergast, co-founder of the Enough Project, said the new report, blending effortlessly nine months of satellite imagery with research and interviews intensive to draw a vivid picture of the strength of the Janjaweed repressive and growing increasingly, added Prendergast that "what caused forces support the rapid is a new type of threat to the security situation international, regional, and military power of the new system does not violate the atrocities and abuses against citizens, but also practiced in criminal activity mobile, including cross-border violations in the field of human rights.

Akshaya Kumar says that "the Sudanese government is very confident that they will employ this new campaign the maximum extent without having to hide until they relate to Bmqatlleha .." and adds: "The government is in fact declares unabashed support for the military component of the war criminals."

• Click (Click here) to read a summary of the report carried by The New York Times, as well as read the response of the Sudanese Embassy in Washington on the article.

• a link to download the new report "Janjaweed come back to the surface again:

For further inquiry, or to schedule an interview with the authors of the report, please contact Pkristina

Debbasqoal figure:

Friday, 27 June 2014

He siad that Sudan is OURS who????

البشير: " لا نريد ان نقول البلد بلدنا ونحن اسيادها " .. ولكن من يريد التعامل مع الجبهة الثورية فليذهب إلى الميدان
06-27-2014 09:34 AM
أكد رئيس الجمهورية رئيس المؤتمر الوطني، أن إطلاق الحريات السياسية ليس عن ضعف أو كما يصوره البعض بأننا وصلنا درجة من الوهن أو نريد مخرجاً للحكومة وقال «ما عاوزين مخرج للوطني وإنما نبحث عن مخرج للقوى السياسية لتمارس نشاطها وعملها وتشارك في العمل الوطني» وأضاف «لا نريد الساحة فقط للوطني ونقول البلد بلدنا ونحن أسيادها والباقين ما عندهم حق معانا». وقال البشير خلال مخاطبته الجلسة الختامية لشورى الحزب أمس، «البعض قالوا الناس ديل انتهوا» وبدأوا يتجاوزون الخطوط الحمراء، مؤكداً أن الحريات حق لكل مواطن ولكن بمسؤولية وبسقوفات.

وأكد البشير أن البلاد تعاني كثيراً من مهددات أمنية واقتصادية، وقال «ما في يوم ادعينا انو البلد مرتاحة وما عندنا مشاكل، المشاكل معانا من اول يوم جينا فيهو وهي السبب الجابتنا لانقاذها-البلد-» وطالب الذين يريدون محاسبة الوطني النظر إلى ما قبل ثلاثين يونيو.
وقال البشير الذي يريد أن يمارس العمل السياسي بحرية كاملة ومسؤولية، نحن الضمان لذلك. غير أنه أشار لوجود «أعداء وعملاء وخونة وما يسمون بالجبهة الثورية» وقال ليس من الممكن أن يكون هناك أناس يقاتلون وشباب يموتون وآخرون بالخرطوم يتحدثون عن اتفاقيات وتعاون مع الجبهة الثورية، وشدد بأن الذي يريد التعامل والتعاون مع الجبهة الثورية فليذهب إلى بعض الجيوب في جنوب كردفان والنيل الأزرق ودارفور ومواقع في كمبالا، وأضاف لن نسمح لأحد معنا في الحكومة أو يقف في صف الحكومة، يكون موالياً للجبهة الثورية. وبشَّر بأن القوات المسلحة استولت الآن على «22» عربة مسلحة.

وأكد البشير أن أية حرية تحاول أن تهبط الروح المعنوية للشعب وتطعن في أخلاقياته وممارساته «نحنا ما معاها». ورفض بشدة إمكانية تأجيل الانتخابات وأشار إلى بعض الأصوات داخل الحزب تتحدث عن إمكانية تأجيلها وقال «ما حصل في مؤسسة من مؤسسات الوطني تحدثنا عن تأجيل الانتخابات، ملتزمين بالدستور والانتخابات في مواعيدها» وقال لن نأخذ تفويضاً «من أي جهة تانية غير الشعب السوداني», واعتبر البشير المشاكل القبلية من أكبر المهددات للأمن القومي للبلاد وأشار إلى أياد خفية وأطراف ثالثة وراء تأجيج الصراعات القبلية وقال «اي حتة نطفيها ديل بكرا يولعوها» وطالب قيادات الحزب بالمركز والولايات بالعمل من أجل أطفاء بؤر الصراعات القبلية.من جانبه، كشف مساعد الرئيس ونائب رئيس المؤتمر الوطني بروفيسور إبراهيم غندور عن لجنة عليا برئاسة النائب الأول بكري حسن صالح لمتابعة أمر الحوار مع القوى السياسية، واعتبر غندور أن البلاد تمر بمرحلة مفصلية، ووصف اجتماعات الشورى في دورته الحالية بأنها تاريخية باعتبار ما يجري للأمة العربية من حولنا، وأشار إلى اكتمال البناء التنظيمي لعشر ولايات، وكشف عن تكوين لجنة للإشراف على قيام المؤتمرات الولائية، وأكد أن أول المؤتمرات الولائية ستكون بولاية سنار خلال الأسبوع الأول من أغسطس المقبل، وأشار إلى تجهيز أرض المعسكرات ببري لعقد المؤتمر العام للمؤتمر الوطني في أكتوبر المقبل، ودعا هيئة الشورى لزيارة المقر الجديد للحزب الذي اعتبره أنه يليق بحزب عملاق ــ على حد وصفه. وأبان أن إعداد الأوراق للمؤتمر العام قد بدأ، فيما تم توجيه الدعوات إلى الضيوف من خارج البلاد. وأكد غندور أن وثيقة الإصلاح تم إنزالها إلى جميع المستويات بالحزب، وأشار إلى أن الإصلاح التنفيذي يمكن أن نكون شركاء جميعاً فيه. وأكد أن القوى السياسية المعارضة وافقت على الآلية السياسية المحددة من الطرفين، وقال تفاجأنا قبل يومين بأن بعض القوى المشكلة في الآلية ما زالت مترددة بين الحوار واللا حوار. وقال إن عملية الانتخابات استحقاق لا يمكن الهروب منه. من جانبه، قال رئيس مجلس الشورى أبو علي مجذوب أبو علي إن الشورى ممارسة للحوار يستخلص منه الراجح والمشاركة في صنع القرار، ولأنه نظام الإسلام حري أن يلتزم به الحزب في كل أعماله ومستوياته، ودعا إلى تفعيل أجهزة الشورى وأخذ ما توصلت إليه من قرارات وأحكام، داعياً إلى رعاية معاش الناس، كما دعا الجميع إلى المشاركة في الحوار.
وشدد أبو علي مجذوب على ضرورة أن يلتزم الحزب والدولة والمجالس التشريعية بالشورى وتمكين الشورى في الأجهزة الولائية مادياً وأدبياً، وتوجيه الموارد نحو الإنتاج ومحاربة الفقر، كما دعا المعارضة للالتزام بالحوار.

صحيفة الإنتباهة
الخرطوم: صلاح مختار

Frame up from the Muslim Brothers and the followers of Bashir.

Sudanese Christian woman reportedly freed again
Daniel Wani, who hold U.S. citizenship, and his wife, Meriam Ibrahim, may finally be able to flee Sudan.
The Sudanese Christian woman who was detained by police a day after her death sentence was lifted has been freed again, The Associated Press reported.
Citing Meriam Ibrahim’s attorney, Eman Abdul-Rahman, the news agency said the 27-year-old woman, who gave birth in prison before a Sudanese tribunal overruled a lower court and freed her, had been released. She was detained at the airport in Khartoum Tuesday after Sudanese officials accused her of using falsified travel documents in a bid to go to South Sudan.
A spokesman for the Sudanese embassy in Washington did not immediately return calls, but on Wednesday told she was free to leave if she had proper documents.
“Meriam is free to leave Sudan, she just has to do it legally,” Seif Yasin said in an email.
Ibrahim was detained with her husband, Daniel Wani, at Khartoum airport Tuesday, then taken to a police station where she was held for approximately 48 hours. The detention came after a flurry of diplomatic activity involving U.S. and Sudanese officials following a ruling lifting her death sentence. Wani is a U.S. citizen, and Ibrahim’s supporters sought refugee status for her and recognition of U.S. citizenship for the couple’s two children.
But when she was detained yet again, supporters feared the Islamist nation planned to punish her anew.
“The airport passport police arrested Abrar after she presented emergency travel documents issued by the South Sudanese Embassy and carrying an American visa,” the Sudanese national security force wrote in a Facebook post, referring to Ibrahim by her Muslim family name. “The Sudanese authorities considered the action a criminal violation, and the Foreign Ministry summoned the American and South Sudanese ambassadors.”
Supporters of Ibrahim say they won’t feel she is safe until she is out of the war-torn nation.
“We’re encouraged that the State Department is engaged and working to secure the freedom of Meriam and her family,” said Jordan Sekulow, executive director of the American Center for Law and Justice, which gathered more than 300,000 signatures for an online petition demanding Ibrahim’s freedom. “Whether Meriam and her family have been ‘temporarily detained’ or arrested, holding U.S. citizens against their will is extremely disturbing and unacceptable. It has always been our concern that the only way the Ibrahim family could be truly safe is to leave Sudan.”
Ibrahim, 27, refused to renounce her Christian faith in court in May, prompting a judge to sentence her to hang for apostasy. The case became an international cause, with several U.S. lawmakers and the State Department blasting the decision as barbaric. Sudan’s national news service SUNA said the Court of Cassation in Khartoum on Monday canceled the death sentence after defense lawyers presented their case, and that the court ordered her release.
Ibrahim and Wani were married in a formal ceremony in 2011 and operate several businesses, including a farm, south of Khartoum, the country’s capital.
Wani fled to the United States as a child to escape the civil war in southern Sudan, but later returned. He is not permitted to have custody of his son because the boy is considered Muslim and cannot be raised by a Christian man.
Ibrahim’s case first came to the attention of authorities in August, after members of her father’s family complained that she was born a Muslim but married a Christian man. The relatives claimed her birth name was “Afdal” before she changed it to Meriam and produced a document that indicated she was given a Muslim name at birth. Her attorney has alleged the document was a fake.
Ibrahim says her mother was an Ethiopian Christian and her father a Muslim who abandoned the family when she was a child. Ibrahim was initially charged with having illegitimate sex last year, but she remained free pending trial. She was later charged with apostasy and jailed in February after she declared in court that Christianity was the only religion she knew.
“I was never a Muslim,” she told the Sudanese high court. “I was raised a Christian from the start.”
Sudan’s penal code criminalizes the conversion of Muslims to other religions, which is punishable by death. Muslim women in Sudan are further prohibited from marrying non-Muslims, although Muslim men are permitted to marry outside their faith. Children, by law, must follow their father’s religion.

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Suggestion and was good.

Home | News    Thursday 12 June 2014
Hillary Clinton discloses how she convinced Kiir to resolve Sudan oil dispute
June 11, 2014 (WASHINGTON) – Former United States secretary of state Hillary Clinton has disclosed in her newly published book released this week that she used an Op-ed by a South Sudanese bishop to convince president Salva Kiir to reach a compromise on the dispute with Sudan over oil transit fees.
The landlocked nation has no outlet to export its oil except through pipelines in Sudan which extends to the coastal city of Port Sudan on the Red Sea.
Juba rejected Khartoum’s proposed fees for the service and called it excessive. The lingering disagreement prompted South Sudan to shut down its oil production in January 2012, accusing Sudan of stealing its oil and diverting it into other pipelines.
The shutdown was detrimental to both economies which rely on oil for the bulk of their revenues and hard currency inflows.
Clinton said in her book ‘Hard Choices’ that she pressed Kiir to reverse the decision during her meeting with him in the summer of 2012.
“So in August I flew to Juba, the new capital of South Sudan, to try to broker a deal. It had taken years of patient diplomacy to end the civil war and midwife the birth of a new nation, and we couldn’t let that achievement fall apart now. What’s more, with intense efforts under way around the world to convince energy-hungry nations to reduce consumption of Iranian oil and shift to new suppliers, we could ill afford to see Sudanese oil go off the market,” she wrote.
However, Kiir refused to budge, she said adding that the South Sudanese leader explained to her in length the reasons why his country could not compromise on an oil deal.
“Behind all the arguments about pricing and refining was a simple human reality: these battle-scarred freedom fighters couldn’t bring themselves to move beyond the horrors of the past,” Clinton wrote.
The then top US diplomat said the standoff between Khartoum and Juba “meant starving their new nation of the resources it needed to thrive”.
Clinton said she decided to try a different and an unusual approach at that point and took out a copy of an op-ed in the New York Times by Bishop Elias Taban that was published just a few days before and slid it across the table which she said had made “a significant impression on her”.
“Before we go any further, I would appreciate you reading this, I told him. President Kiir was curious; this was unusual behavior in a high-level diplomatic meeting. As he began to read, his eyes widened. Pointing to the byline, he said, “He was a soldier with me.” “Yes,” I replied, “but now he’s a man of peace. And he remembers that you fought together for freedom and dignity, not for oil.”
“There must always come a point,” Taban wrote, “where we look forward and recognise the need to stop fighting over past wrongs so we can build toward a new future.”
Clinton said that is "one of the hardest lessons for people to learn on any level, personal or political, but it is profoundly important in a world where so many societies are still held back by old enmities and conflicts".
“I watched President Kiir read his old comrade’s words, and his defiance seemed to soften. Perhaps now we could get down to business. I kept emphasising that “a percentage of something is better than a percentage of nothing.”
“Finally president Kiir agreed to reopen negotiations with the North to try to find a compromise on oil pricing. At 2:45am. the next day, after a marathon negotiation in Ethiopia, the two sides reached a deal so that the oil could begin flowing again”.
Clinton gave extensive praise to Taban saying he is one of the “most remarkable” people she met mentioning that she held a meeting with him during that visit and invited him in September 2013 to the Clinton Global Initiative conference in New York where she presented him with Global Citizen award “for his peacemaking efforts”.

Problem solvation.

Hillary Clinton discloses how she convinced Kiir to resolve Sudan oil dispute
June 11, 2014 (WASHINGTON) – Former United States secretary of state Hillary Clinton has disclosed in her newly published book released this week that she used an Op-ed by a South Sudanese bishop to convince president Salva Kiir to reach a compromise on the dispute with Sudan over oil transit fees.
The landlocked nation has no outlet to export its oil except through pipelines in Sudan which extends to the coastal city of Port Sudan on the Red Sea.
Juba rejected Khartoum’s proposed fees for the service and called it excessive. The lingering disagreement prompted South Sudan to shut down its oil production in January 2012, accusing Sudan of stealing its oil and diverting it into other pipelines.
The shutdown was detrimental to both economies which rely on oil for the bulk of their revenues and hard currency inflows.
Clinton said in her book ‘Hard Choices’ that she pressed Kiir to reverse the decision during her meeting with him in the summer of 2012.
“So in August I flew to Juba, the new capital of South Sudan, to try to broker a deal. It had taken years of patient diplomacy to end the civil war and midwife the birth of a new nation, and we couldn’t let that achievement fall apart now. What’s more, with intense efforts under way around the world to convince energy-hungry nations to reduce consumption of Iranian oil and shift to new suppliers, we could ill afford to see Sudanese oil go off the market,” she wrote.
However, Kiir refused to budge, she said adding that the South Sudanese leader explained to her in length the reasons why his country could not compromise on an oil deal.
“Behind all the arguments about pricing and refining was a simple human reality: these battle-scarred freedom fighters couldn’t bring themselves to move beyond the horrors of the past,” Clinton wrote.
The then top US diplomat said the standoff between Khartoum and Juba “meant starving their new nation of the resources it needed to thrive”.
Clinton said she decided to try a different and an unusual approach at that point and took out a copy of an op-ed in the New York Times by Bishop Elias Taban that was published just a few days before and slid it across the table which she said had made “a significant impression on her”.
“Before we go any further, I would appreciate you reading this, I told him. President Kiir was curious; this was unusual behavior in a high-level diplomatic meeting. As he began to read, his eyes widened. Pointing to the byline, he said, “He was a soldier with me.” “Yes,” I replied, “but now he’s a man of peace. And he remembers that you fought together for freedom and dignity, not for oil.”
“There must always come a point,” Taban wrote, “where we look forward and recognise the need to stop fighting over past wrongs so we can build toward a new future.”
Clinton said that is "one of the hardest lessons for people to learn on any level, personal or political, but it is profoundly important in a world where so many societies are still held back by old enmities and conflicts".
“I watched President Kiir read his old comrade’s words, and his defiance seemed to soften. Perhaps now we could get down to business. I kept emphasising that “a percentage of something is better than a percentage of nothing.”
“Finally president Kiir agreed to reopen negotiations with the North to try to find a compromise on oil pricing. At 2:45am. the next day, after a marathon negotiation in Ethiopia, the two sides reached a deal so that the oil could begin flowing again”.
Clinton gave extensive praise to Taban saying he is one of the “most remarkable” people she met mentioning that she held a meeting with him during that visit and invited him in September 2013 to the Clinton Global Initiative conference in New York where she presented him with Global Citizen award “for his peacemaking efforts”.

Wednesday, 11 June 2014


قوات الدعم السريع لقتل السودانين مجرم يا حسن البشير لعنك الله٠
Milizia di Bashir stano masacrando i Nuba .... HASSAN AL BASHIR e solo un criminale senza judice lo arresto e lo lascio nella mani di quelli che ha masakrato suoi famiglare.

Sono 1.000.000 disoccupati in Sudan.

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Good news.

News of Sudan
Sudan to assume full ownership of oil pipelines by end of 2016: minister
June 9, 2014 (KHARTOUM) –Sudanese oil minister Makkawi Mohamed Awad announced on Monday that an agreement will be signed with a number of Chinese companies by which Khartoum will assume full ownership of the oil pipeline that extends to the South by the end of 2016.
Awad made the revelation during the meeting of the economic sector ministers chaired by second vice-president Hassabo Abdul-Rahman.
Khartoum used the oil pipeline as leverage in its conflict with Juba, and Sudanese President Omer Hassan al-Bashir ordered its closure more than once to block oil flow from landlocked South Sudan. This prompted the latter to announce its intention several times in the past to build an alternative line through Ethiopia or Kenya.
The 1,610 kilometers pipeline cuts through the oil production fields in Heglig and passes through Khartoum and al-Obaid refineries all the way to Bashayer sea port on the Red Sea which lies south of the city of Port Sudan.
The $1 billion pipeline has a 250,000 barrels per day (bpd) capacity and its construction was carried out by several specialised foreign companies, all operating under the supervision of the Greater Nile Petroleum Operating Company (GNPOC).
It was formally inaugurated on 30 June 1999.
In a related issue, the Minister of Electricity and Water Resources, Moatez Moussa said a delegation comprised of the ministers of finance and oil as well as officials from thermal generation company will visit China this week to follow up on a number of issues, including problems related to the electricity sector in Sudan.
He disclosed that their main goal is to convince Chinese contractors to resume working on al-Foula electricity plant which was suspended in 2011 as a result of funding issues.

The best for all.

Western Equatoria governor backs calls for federalism
June 9, 2014 (JUBA) – The governor of South Sudan’s Western Equatoria state has reignited the debate over federalism, saying it is the system of governance that will control tribal-related conflicts and give citizens the power to decide of matters affecting them.
Governor Joseph Bangasi Bakosoro made these remarks during Monday’s official opening of the state legislative assembly after three month of recess.
“Western Equatoria State is for federal system of Government”, Bakosoro told lawmakers, members of his government and area citizens.
He appealed to the population not to get involved in the ongoing conflict, saying South Sudan witnessed enough wars during its struggle for independence, which was eventually achieved after a self-determination referendum.
“There is no reason to start fighting ourselves after attaining the independence we wanted. When we fought, we did not fight as tribes or regions; we fought as South Sudanese and if there are issues we want to discuss now, because they are important to our people like the system of governance,": said Bakosoro.
"We must raise and discus them without necessarily misinterpreting the views expressed by others", he added while calling for open discussions among citizens.
The governor further stressed that democracy had set foot everywhere in the world and that South Sudan was not exception in embracing the practice.
"Western Equatoria state government and its people have thrown their support to the establishment of federal system in South Sudan", he told the assembly.
Governor Bakosoro, the second most prominent political figure in the country to openly voice support for federalism after his Central Equatoria counterpart, Clement Wani Konga, said people from the greater Equatoria region have been demanding for a federal system of governance for long and that such calls should not be ignored.
“Federalism has been one of the longest calls of the people of Equatoria and this is now the time for our people to say it louder without any fear because it is not a crime if people express their democratic rights in a peaceful manner", said the governor.
"No individuals or group of people can obstruct these calls because it is a democratic right to express your feelings about the system of governance”, he stressed.
Bakosoro, however, said his state was stable and achieved a lot despite few cases of rebel defectors visiting the area as well as the movement of the Lord Resistance Army (LRA) insurgents.
He said his administration, despite the austerity measures and conflict in the country, recorded significant achievements in security, health, information and infrastructure.
Last week, South Sudan president Salva Kiir told the opening session of the country’s national assembly that citizens should be allowed to decide on what system of governance they wanted instead of imposing federalism on to them


INTERVIEW: Sudan’s RNP chief not optimistic about national dialogue
June 9, 2014 (KHARTOUM) – The leader of Sudan’s opposition Reform Now Party (RNP), Ghazi Salah al-Deen Al-Attabani, said that the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) is not yet ready to offer the necessary compromises needed to achieve a national accord.
He accused the NCP of seeking to hold the national dialogue according to its own conditions and agendas, noting that dialogue which is being held under threats from the government party will not produce a sustainable agreement.
Attabani, who was interviewed by Sudan Tribune, underscored that dialogue is the essence of political work and its only available alternative is violence, describing differences between them and the government on dialogue requirements as significant.
The RNP leader further said that his party’s decision to suspend participation in the ongoing national dialogue process was based upon accurate estimates.
Last week, the RNP announced its intention to suspend its participation in the ongoing national dialogue process in response to what it described as a series of setbacks to political freedoms in the country.
“I am no longer optimistic about the outcome of the national dialogue. I don’t think that any kind of serious dialogue can take place given the significant difference [between us and the government] in the definition of dialogue and its requirements, and in light of [the government’s] lack of commitment to its needs. I believe that a new thesis of dialogue must replace the current one”, he said.
Attabani added that they respect the decision of the opposition Popular Congress Party (PCP) led by Hassan al-Turabi to continue participation in the dialogue process, saying the PCP has its own estimates which are based on different reading for the current political situation.
The PCP has previously rejected calls to boycott the dialogue despite acknowledging recent crackdown by the government.
Late last January, the Sudanese leader, Omer Hassan Al-Bashir announced in a televised address to the nation a four-point plan for reform "to stop the war and bring peace, free political society, fight against poverty and revitalize national identity".
He further called for political forces and even rebel groups to lay down arms to engage in dialogue to agree on the implementation items to achieve these objectives.
In his response to a question about the extent of influence of the PCP leader on president Bashir at the moment, Attabani said:
“Bashir needs to meet several legitimacies, some of them are national and others are Islamic and this opens a window for Turabi to have an influence on him. This card could be used positively”, he said.
The RNP leader pointed that there are many rumors about the real reasons behind the arrest of the leader of the opposition National Umma Party (NUP), al-Sadiq al-Mahdi, saying the punishment he received is not commensurate with the charges filed against him by the government.
Attabani pointed that Sudan’s foreign policy has been unsteady since independence, saying a major reason for that was the lack of clarity of the political reference of the foreign ministry.
“Other government institutions replace the foreign ministry in making foreign policy decisions. The presidency is responsible for fixing this problem”, he said.
“We are currently witnessing the worst crisis in our foreign policy; however, we will be able to overcome it if we clearly determined that our national interests and priorities of our foreign policy. We are a country surrounded by neighbors who have different interests and principles”, he added.
Attabani further said the current first priority is to unify the Sudanese people not the Islamic movements.
Attabani lost his position last year as head of the NCP parliamentary caucus after publicly declaring that Bashir is constitutionally barred from running again for the presidency.
He was also expelled from the NCP in late 2013 in the wake of a memo he drafted, along with more than two dozen party figures calling for the reversal of a decision to lift fuel subsidies and an end to the violent measures taken against demonstrators who took to the streets to protest.
Last December, he decided along with other figures to establish the RNP.