Saturday, 19 April 2014

Dialogue of Bashir!!!

Dialogue or bellows ? !
04-18-2014 10:15 PM
Fathi Daw

I almost do not know the people in human history Astgvl rights as it has done in the league those with bass Sudan and its people . Yes, there are many peoples in this big world rule dictators iron and fire , but Dlona the head of one of the same species say publicly « We power de Jbnaha rifle and Aisaha Legge Chilha rifle » then the same mouth that pronunciation disbelief say after that decimated crops, livestock « Let us talk for Sudan promising » ? Dlona the head of the same vein admitted ( Bedma ) of the tongue and the coverup of killing ten thousand people of his countrymen , and then hit him tambourines and overlies a platform for dancing for joy on their bodies ? Spoke to me about the head of the same tribe sat cross-legged on the helm of power for nearly a quarter of a century , and called for victims of the massacre of new and crisp with his stick on their faces and said to them : « Come , my group, we are the children of today » .. and believes some people and they know it .. If there is a lie , and if he speaks, entrusted Khan ?

What more regulations bad in the world , while prepared , but spoke to me about the system declared jihad on his people and forced the younger very junior to engage in his burnt offering , and then open Sdnth the Koran did not see from verses only « and prepared them what you can of power , including steeds terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy . . » Having blown coffins , came Ihdthonhm for attractive unity , then opened and did not see the same Koran verses only « Hold on to God and be not divided among yourselves .. » ? They reminded me of the President of the separation of tens of thousands of civil service and uniformed , under the pretext of ( public interest ), and after serving a third of them died and the displacement of one-third the second , and before the last third licks poverty and destitution , and the bitterness of humiliation and shame in his homeland and the Diaspora , he said to them : « second is in favor of the year , and in enabling , and in the houses of ghosts and the children Guts eggs » ? Kbrune system that kills almost satiety Jhabzth they talk about austerity ? Dlona system devoted to tribal , regional and ethnic screaming, calling for discarded ?

What is the most corrupt people in the ground while Thsém , but spoke to me about the junta denied the corruption of Ophthalmologists , a religion which Itbthelon in niche morning, evening , and after the weary hands of the Office of the Auditor General for anchoring , called Vraunha « to review the law Unlawful Enrichment and suspicious , so as to allow its provisions to address all forms of corruption » Dlona the league violated the legitimacy and monopolized power and killed and tortured and displaced and ruined , and after that have exhausted their belongings , stole the lips of God - promenade filled - and , speak what he did not say : « let bygones be bygones ! » spoke to me about the people that has been ruled by a single party with all the means of conjuring tricks , then called about a hundred glaze came out of their holes and threw what they are lying Vtlagaf what Aovkon like him? Spoke to me about a country under some Sahafier writing with distended eyes and smelt for actually seeing all the bitterness and pain that are not obvious to viewers , and suddenly people came out brandishing pens are talking about freedom and paths , transparency and democracy and Zumha and necessity ?

What's more , while reminding them losers , but I ask you whether to Nafie Ali Nafie assigned in this universe healed him of his tongue , and both the abuses of his people as the number of pores of his skin ? Is there a twin recoil Suath came and preached violent people who can not be a substitute for dialogue , and that monopoly power is not a substitute for elections and anxieties ? Dlona the defense minister rains accounted for more than 70 % of the budget , however, is talking about ( the theory of the defense given ) without blinking an eye ? Oalmona man reincarnation of the spirit of Rasputin and March, the number of opportunistic chin whiskers more than did Dr. Hassan al-Turabi .. usurped the authority and became Arabha , then its origins and has become the enemy , and then returned to it and became its ally ? From talking to me about one person in this world has a special party as Mr. Mohammed Osman Mirghani , and managed by the pairing between politics and holiness as he could not state the Umayyad caliphs Abbasid not do? Dlona politician spent more than half his life in politics and affairs , however Pflmat liver pushes toward the guillotine system says he opposes and wants to overthrow him and we endorsers ?

I've managed to fool us in the league of the ruling for the umpteenth time , succeeded in making us unconsciously echo the word of dialogue like a discoverer of new Sudanese , succeeded in Adkhalna in a coma until one of us does not remember her sins , succeeded in making us pronounce everything except the obligatory missing by her accounting. They want to re- produce themselves reproduce the crisis , as if they were not killed or tortured and did not ruin did not separate the country was united . I certify that if Samuel Beckett theater of the absurd was a pioneer among us to dawdle for a moment to recognize his genius and Ptqasr Tqazem talents . Seems to always be in the midst of no reasonable in which we live that the Sudanese people (credited ) like a person sentenced to death for a crime he did not commit , and when it resumed, the referee before the judges justified , and they have to reduce Akoah penalty to the rule of life sentence , and suddenly exclaimed leaders ( Opponents ) trance saying live Justice !

Hey gentlemen, what a broader and narrower ordeal words , we the people have remained oppressive power Trodah as tame Circus black coach to Isosha and Astanasseha . Ndmn made
​​us surprised even we sleep and wake up on Dbebha in our faces , if Djana patience , and if our thirst may lament . League Dbgt our skin with all sorts of vices and designated Aptlaouat in order to rush to the prayer rug and breathe God our complaints do not have to face . Authority violated our freedoms Voskhana hearing Onascidna ( national ) Nnevs by Krepettna . League Guetltna stood turnoff Bmuarah our dead bodies and returned prattle as they are engaged in it . Authority slaughtered necks of the vein to vein , Vdgna a bird slaughtered pain . The gentlemen who are not subject to logic , and wanted to Amntgah foolishly that it reserves the first hospital in Majaveb . It can change its skin to live , but you saw any of you live changed her skin became a dove of peace!

This system Kalsamera who made his calf bellow and called it falsely dialogue !

Last words : to be democracy and accountability , although the long travel ! !

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